Multiple studies show that a Vitamin D deficiency increases your risk of complications from COVID-19. Raising the level of Vitamin D in your bloodstream improves your chances of recovery and may help prevent the virus from taking hold in the first place. Simply going to your local drug store, buying a bottle of Vitamin D and taking one capsule daily is something you can do on your own to better your chances of avoiding the virus or recovering more quickly if you get it.
Help yourself or wait for the government?
Why isn’t this made plain to everyone? Massive disruptions to the economy, businesses shut down, people losing jobs, schools closing and then partially re-opening are the norm while we’re told to stay home, avoid crowds, wear a mask and wait for a vaccine, all the while simple steps like this are rarely mentioned. I guess doing things on your own instead of waiting for the government doesn’t fit the narrative. How can they ride to your rescue when you don’t need their help?